This time of year is dangerous for our furbabies in that they can become overheated and dehydrated very quickly. Make sure that there is always some shade available along with fresh water. Signs of dehydration are lethargy, vomiting and excessive panting. Many people do not realize that dogs cool themselves by panting and this is one way they have of perspiring. Another way of perspiring is through the pads on their feet.
If you think your furbaby has become dehydrated, take them out of the sun into a cooler area immediately. Wet or immerse them in cool (not ice) water and then fan them vigorously to help cool them. Give them small amounts of fluids every few minutes but do not allow them to drink excessively as this could cause vomiting. If you have any electrolytes you can add them to the drinking water to help restore the bodies' nutrients quickly. If improvement is not almost immediate, get them to a vet ASAP!!! They may need subcutaneous or intravenous fluids!!!
An excellent site with very good information is at:
On another note, I don't know how many of you smell your doggies feet but I think they smell like Frito Lays Corn Chips!!! Frito Paws!! A new flavour treat!!
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Quite adorable
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