Friday, December 7, 2007

So much excitement!!! (part 1)

LOLA here!! Mommy Y says she's too pooped to write so I'm gonna give you the whole lowdown on what's happenin' here at Casa Poole. And seein' as how I've gots the keyboardie thing all to myself, I thought everyone would like to see me when I was a little girl in Cuba.

Gosh, I was sooooooo purty!!! Oh, yeah, were was I????

Well, we've had so much excitement here for the past 6 weeks that I don't know where to begin.

Last week Mommy Y started brushin' me and complainin' bought how I had more sticks and leaves in my coat than there were in the 'tire yard??? I don't know where she gots that idea from as we's gots 5 whole acres and that's a whole lots of leaves. Anyway when she was finished she popped me in the sink and cleaned me up reallllll good. Boy, she don't 'ppreciate how long it takes a girl to get the smell of that perfumey stuff out of her hair. Must be why Mommy Y calls me her "junkyard dawg"?

Well, where to begin??? I guess the most 'portant news is that all my babies are now in their forever'n'ever homes. I was so sad to see them go but it was time for them to leave the nest and for me to get my girlish figure back,bg!!!

Lavender went to live with Iris & Michael in a beautifool coop?condo?partyment?(sounds like a henhouse to me??) but MommyY says that's a very nice place. Here they are on the day my baby left home on her new adventure! She's changed her name! Guess she wants to be a big city girl!!!

And this picture is of Rylie Lavender enjoying her new toy & blankie. MMMM? new toys?? new blankie??? Maybe I should go for a little visit, MMM???? Wonder if the food is good there??

Oh, where was I??? oh yeah, the past 6 weeks.........

Well, first off, my baby sis, Maggie (aka the "diva") had found out she was preggers too............

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Havanese Maggie Ultrasound News

Well, Wasabi's been sitting at home awaiting news about her friend Mags. Now what did that dear old vet see on that ultrasound and how much hair did they shave off?

We are all waiting and now we have to go to sleep without the news - tsk tsk.

So much to do and so little time.

Do bark it secrets aloud!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Yvonne's Chicadoro Pups Visit

Wasabi just wants to say, we look forward to the pups visiting us tomorrow and we hope Risa's baby - Yvonne's Maggie is preggie too. Then we get to play with even more Havanese puppies - Fun!

Monday, October 22, 2007

And now we are 4!

Well, it finally happened.... One of my babies has gone to her new home. Jasmine left on Saturday to live with Dave & Holly. Momma Yvonne says that she will be very happy in her new home as she has her very own Beardie, just like us!!!

I have to admit it is a little easier to look after four but I miss my little tri-colour girl.

And now I'm told another one of my girls is leaving on Saturday to live the big city life at Yonge & Eligible, oops Eglinton. Lavender is really looking forward to moving into a loft with Iris & Michael. She fell in love with them last week and they with her!!! How can you keep a girl in the country after she's seen the bright lights? I hope she'll still come to visit.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The morning after.....

Well, it's the morning after our big adventure in the city. We forgot to bring the camera to Dr. Cochrane's appointment and so we have no pictures of our big trip. 5 puppies in a crate and not a peep for 2 hours on the road. Dr. Cochrane was very impressed by how calm we all were for the test. We all passed with flying colours she said.

Here's a picture of us this morning letting off a little steam with mummy in the garden.
After we're done in the garden, we sleep for hours. Mummy and Yvonne think this is just great! Something to do with sleep????

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Lola's Puppy Visit

Wasabi wants to say it was great seeing your puppies, Lola. They are so cute and a courageous crew indeed. They just plowed up and down the stairs without any hesitation. You are doing a great job, Lola - so did Mommy Yvonne and Daddy Alex. You are so lucky.

Me, I am just waiting till my pups come and it seems like forever. Mommy keeps checking my temperature and it's not all that comfie. How did you put up with it?

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Wasabi's Visit

So much fun here yesterday!!! Wasabi came to visit and to tell me that she's having 6!!! count em 6, puppies. Boy, is she is for a big surprise. Lola only had 5 and let me tell you it was "WORK" with a capital WWWWW......

I, of course, did my part in helping with the babies and lawdy, lawdy, Miz Scarlet, was I tired. So much runnin', jumpin' & just plain workin'!!!

As you can see, here I am observing the little ones from my perch in Daddy's garage.

Goodness knows, I can't be having those little hooligans, oops, Darlin's, messing up a girl's hair!

Well, all I can say is good luck to my best girlfriend. Hope you can find someone like me to assist you. Course, you could always get Risa & Shoshi to help out!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Maggie's Roadtrip!!

Well, we're back and what an adventure!!! 2,500 miles (not kms) in 5 days and 4 nights!!!!

I know that it was that far cause I heard mummy & Auntie Rita say it was so. My mummy drove the whole way and wouldn't let anyone else take the wheel. She tol' me that I was her responsibility & cause of that she had to do all the driving. Poor Auntie Rita had to sit and talk to mummy all the way there and back!

Now, normally I am not too fond of the car but I settled in real quick and just watched my big sister Lola. She's been on a couple of big trips and she told me that I just had to relax and enjoy the scenery. She also explained that we would get lots of nice treats just for being good and not barking too much. And you know what! she was right!!!! We gots chicken from some chalet place and licks of something cold and sweet and lots & lots of treaties.

We crossed over a big bridge and went to a different country called the USofA. I don't understand what's a different country cause everyone & thing looked the same as the old country. Some big scary man asked mummy lots of questions and wanted to know why we wanted to go to the different country. Mummy said we were visiting friends but I know that we were going to visit a "special" friend for me.

We finally got to Minnie Apples on Friday nite and went to visit an old friend of Rita's called Nona. She was a really, really nice lady and gave me hugs and snuggles and told me what a pretty girl I was. Then she took us to another place to visit another nice lady named Cassie.

Now this is where the story gets interesting!!!

Mummy, Auntie Rita & Nona took me in to visit a boy doggie named Rowdy. He was kinda' cute but he sure lived up to his name!!! All he wanted to do was jump all over me. I'm very delicate you know and I'm also a lady!!! No one jumps on me (unless it's my sister bg) and I told him that in no uncertain terms. But there was something about this boy that was really attractive. I don't know what it was but he was the type that kinda grew on ya.

I let him court me for a while and that was nice but then he started jumping on me again. Mummy & Cassie made me stand still and then..........................! Oh, the horror!!!!! I can't repeat what happened but I thought I might like it to happen again. And you know what, it did, again and again.......

Something tells me that Lola won't be the only one with puppies soon?? Mummy said that if we timed it right that I'm gonna have my very own babies!!!! Yay, I love puppies!!!!!

Well friends, that's all for now. My paws are still tired from our long trip and a girl has to catch up on her beauty sleep.

Bark at ya'all later!!


(I'm a big girl now!!)