LOLA here!! Mommy Y says she's too pooped to write so I'm gonna give you the whole lowdown on what's happenin' here at Casa Poole. And seein' as how I've gots the keyboardie thing all to myself, I thought everyone would like to see me when I was a little girl in Cuba.

Gosh, I was sooooooo purty!!! Oh, yeah, were was I????
Well, we've had so much excitement here for the past 6 weeks that I don't know where to begin.
Last week Mommy Y started brushin' me and complainin' bought how I had more sticks and leaves in my coat than there were in the 'tire yard??? I don't know where she gots that idea from as we's gots 5 whole acres and that's a whole lots of leaves. Anyway when she was finished she popped me in the sink and cleaned me up reallllll good. Boy, she don't 'ppreciate how long it takes a girl to get the smell of that perfumey stuff out of her hair. Must be why Mommy Y calls me her "junkyard dawg"?
Well, where to begin??? I guess the most 'portant news is that all my babies are now in their forever'n'ever homes. I was so sad to see them go but it was time for them to leave the nest and for me to get my girlish figure back,bg!!!
Lavender went to live with Iris & Michael in a beautifool coop?condo?partyment?(sounds like a henhouse to me??) but MommyY says that's a very nice place. Here they are on the day my baby left home on her new adventure! She's changed her name! Guess she wants to be a big city girl!!!
And this picture is of Rylie Lavender enjoying her new toy & blankie. MMMM? new toys?? new blankie??? Maybe I should go for a little visit, MMM???? Wonder if the food is good there??
Oh, where was I??? oh yeah, the past 6 weeks.........
Well, first off, my baby sis, Maggie (aka the "diva") had found out she was preggers too............